Welcome to our Q2 2022 Insite, where we try to keep you updated on what’s happening in the Region. We also love talking about Real Estate, so there may be a little of that!
We are seeing Real Estate transactions, both leasing and selling, continuing to ramp up. Hopefully this is a signal that the pandemic is now in the rear view mirror. Offices are beginning to be populated after a long 2 year absence and public transit and roadways are much busier. It’s so great to see that life is back in our community!
As you will read, all parts of the Real Estate business are booming in the Region. There is no question that the development community has embraced the concept of building residential towers. What’s great, is this is no longer just happening in the downtown urban areas.
Our technology companies are also pivotal to growth in the Region. Expansions and acquisitions help bolster development and provide much needed absorption of SF in the office sector.
If you see something going on in the Region, let us know so we can inform our Insite readers. Enjoy this Q2 edition and the Summer of 2022!
John Whitney, SIOR
Broker of record, ceo