Supporting the region where we live, work and play
Moving to Waterloo Region?
Explore Waterloo Region
Located in the heart of Southwest Ontario, Waterloo Region provides the perfect balance between new and old, rural and urban, nature and technology, classical and contemporary, tranquility and adventure.
Waterloo Region Economic Development Corporation (WREDC)
As the first point of contact for companies - of all sectors - looking to locate, relocate or expand in Waterloo, the Waterloo EDC team helps businesses build a customized program for growing their business in our community. The Waterloo EDC aims to support and deliver an integrated approach to economic development in Waterloo Region. Their complimentary services include facilitating introductions to local business leaders, supporting business retention and expansion and providing information about running a business in Waterloo.
Downtown Kitchener BIA (Business Improvement Area)
The Downtown Kitchener BIA is a collective voice that fosters collaboration within our business area and prosperous growth in our community. The BIA works closely with the City of Kitchener's Economic Development Team to establish Downtown Kitchener as one of the most effective downtown areas in North America at creating a complete sense of community while simultaneously offering cool, unique, vibrant and eclectic experiences.
Uptown Waterloo
The Uptown Waterloo BIA exists to promote and beautify Uptown Waterloo. The role of the Uptown Waterloo BIA in redevelopment is to aid and assist the interests of Uptown businesses with relevance to consumer markets, neighbourhood residences, overall aesthetic and the continued positive evolution of the Uptown core. The Uptown Waterloo BIA is a partner in helping to steer and direct the process of redevelopment.